Starting Up

The Lean Startup Method: How to Build a Business that Emphasizes Agility, Flexibility, and Experimentation

Starting a new business can be a daunting task, with entrepreneurs facing a high degree of uncertainty and risk.

To help mitigate these challenges, many entrepreneurs are turning to the Lean Startup method. This approach emphasizes agility, flexibility, and experimentation, and can help businesses quickly test and validate their ideas, iterate on their products or services, and ultimately succeed in a highly competitive market.

So, what exactly is the lean startup method, and how can entrepreneurs apply it to their businesses? Let’s dive in.

What is the Lean Startup Method?

The Lean Startup method is an approach to starting and growing a business that emphasizes rapid experimentation, iterative development, and a focus on delivering value to customers. The core principle of the lean startup method is to test assumptions early and often, and to use data and customer feedback to inform decision-making.

The lean startup method was first popularized by Eric Ries in his book, “The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses.” Ries argues that startups should focus on creating a “minimum viable product” (MVP) – a product or service that is just good enough to meet the needs of early customers, but still has room for improvement.

By creating an MVP and gathering feedback from early customers, startups can quickly identify areas for improvement and make changes before investing too much time or money into a product or service that may not meet the needs of the market.

How to Implement the Lean Startup Method

Implementing the lean startup method requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to experimentation and learning. Here are the key steps involved in implementing the lean startup method:

Identify the problem you are trying to solve.

Start by identifying a specific problem or pain point that you are trying to address with your product or service. This will help you stay focused on delivering value to your customers.

Develop a hypothesis.

Based on your understanding of the problem, develop a hypothesis about what solution might address it. This could be in the form of a new product or service, or it could be a new feature or improvement to an existing product.

Create a minimum viable product (MVP).

Build a prototype or MVP that allows you to test your hypothesis with early customers. The MVP should be simple, easy to use, and focused on delivering value to customers.

Test your hypothesis.

Launch your MVP and gather feedback from early customers. Use this feedback to validate or invalidate your hypothesis, and make changes to your product or service as needed.

Iterate and improve.

Use what you learned from testing your hypothesis to iterate and improve your product or service. This could involve adding new features, changing the user interface, or adjusting your pricing model.

Scale and grow.

Once you have validated your hypothesis and iterated on your product or service, it’s time to scale and grow your business. This could involve investing in marketing and sales, expanding your product line, or entering new markets.

Benefits of the Lean Startup Method

The lean startup method offers several benefits for entrepreneurs, including:

Faster time-to-market.

By focusing on creating a minimum viable product and testing it early and often, entrepreneurs can bring their products or services to market more quickly and efficiently.

Lower risk.

By testing assumptions and gathering feedback from early customers, entrepreneurs can reduce the risk of investing time and money into a product or service that may not meet the needs of the market.

Greater agility and flexibility.

The lean startup method emphasizes continuous experimentation and learning, which allows entrepreneurs to quickly adapt to changing market conditions, customer needs, and other external factors. This agility and flexibility can be especially valuable in fast-paced, rapidly changing industries.

Customer-centric approach.

By focusing on delivering value to customers, the lean startup method helps entrepreneurs create products and services that meet real customer needs. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction, greater loyalty, and ultimately, more business success.


By focusing on creating a minimum viable product and testing it early and often, entrepreneurs can save money on development costs and avoid investing in features or functionality that may not be necessary or desirable for customers.

Examples of Successful Lean Startups

The lean startup method has been used by many successful startups, including:

Dropbox: The cloud storage company started with a minimum viable product that allowed users to easily share files across different devices. By testing and iterating on this MVP, Dropbox was able to refine its product and ultimately grow into a billion-dollar business.

Further Reading: How DropBox Started As A Minimal Viable Product

Airbnb: The home-sharing platform started with a simple website that allowed users to rent out air mattresses in their homes. By testing and iterating on this concept, Airbnb was able to refine its product and ultimately become a global leader in the travel industry.

Further Reading: The Inside Story Behind the Unlikely Rise of Airbnb


The lean startup method offers a powerful framework for entrepreneurs looking to build agile, flexible, and customer-focused businesses. By focusing on rapid experimentation, iterative development, and a commitment to delivering value to customers, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success in a highly competitive market.


