Adsense is an advertising network from Google which helps publishers make money by displaying advertisements on their blogs/websites.
Adsense, has for decades been one of the most trusted and profitable means of monetising a blog/website.
I had in an earlier post, shared a blueprint on how to make money blogging. There too I had mentioned Adsense Advertising to be one of the most important sources of revenue for a blog or a website.
In this post I will discuss how you can easily get an Adsense account approval for your new blog or website.
Misconceptions Surrounding Adsense Approval.
One thing I can say from experience is that there are a lot of misconceptions around the subject of getting a Google Adsense account approval; and the lack of any express acceptance guidelines from Google hasn’t helped anyone’s cause either. However, contrary to what most believe, getting an Adsense account approval is a relatively simple process provided you get the basics right.
The following post attempts to provide guidance to people seeking to get an adsense account approval for their blog or website.
What to take care of before applying for an Adsense Account
Before seeking an adsense account approval for your blog or website make sure that you:
1. Create A Professional Blog/Website:
By a professional website I mean the following:
i. Your blog uses a Top-Level Domain:
The blog/website you are seeking an approval for uses a Top-Level-Domain (TDL). While some would argue that this is not a mandatory requirement, I would recommend you do so for I speak from experience that for blogs, getting an adsense approval is a lot easier if they are hosted on a Top-Level-Domain. Moreover, in some countries, owing to rampant click frauds, blogs/websites which are hosted on free sub-domains are no longer accepted by Google.
ii. Uses Paid Hosting
The blog/website uses paid hosting as opposed to freely hosted blogs on blogspot/ Again this is not a mandatory requirement and you can easily get an Adsense approval for a blog with free hosting provided it uses a TLD.
However, it is highly recommended that you use a paid posting along with a reliable CMSplatform like It give you a lot more flexibility in terms of your design and gives you a lot more freedom to optimise your blog for search engines (SEO).
2. Your Blog’s Design is Complete:
Google pays a lot of importance on user experience. By completeness of design I mean your blog:
- Uses a professional looking template with a clutter free design and easy of use.
- Loads Fast.
- Uses a template optimised to be viewed on mobile devices.
- Uses a good navigation structure which makes it easier for your visitors to move from one page to another or find content on your site.
- Has a Privacy Policy Page with necessary disclosures on use of browser cookies (if any).
- Has a About/Contact Page
- Does not auto play media or auto-download content.
- Does not redirect users to unwanted websites (containing harmful or abusive content)
- Other design elements which users might find obtrusive.
Your Blog’s Content is Informative/Useful to Readers:
Google places a great emphasis on the quality of your blog’s content.
For your blog to be accepted into the Adsense Program, it must provide value to its readers. This ‘Value‘ must be defined in terms of the quality of content or service.
In short, the content of you blog/website must be perceived as valuable by your readers/users.
If it is a blog you are seeking an approval for, you need to make sure that there are an adequate number of quality, original articles hosted on your blog. While it is difficult to assign a definite number to the word ‘adequate’, I would like to put it between 20-30 posts. I would like to emphasize here that ‘originality’ of the articles your blog hosts is a critical factor that would aid in the process of it being approved.
Copied content will get you no where.
Similarly for a website providing a certain service, your acceptance into the adsense program will depend upon the nature and quality of your service. Here, if you already have a decent number of users, getting an acceptance will become a lot easier.
3. Your Site Complies with Adsense Program Policies:
To be accepted into the Adsense Policies, you must comply with the following policies:
- You must not click on your own ads or pay others an incentive to click on your ads. (This might not be relevant in the context of getting an approval, but is important because often Adsense will only provisionally approve your site to monitor the kind of traffic or click activity your site gets.)
- Your site must not violate copyright rules. In citing content or using images shared by others you must give credit to the right source.
- Your site must not contain any harmful or abusive content.
- AdSense publishers may not display Google ads on webpages that offer for sale or promote the sale of counterfeit goods.
- You should not participate in traffic exchange programs. However, you can advertise your site on genuine advertisement platforms (twitter, Facebook, google etc)
For a more detailed overview of Adsense Policies please visit:
Does your Site’s Traffic matter when it comes to getting an Adsense Approval.
Traffic is the number of visitors a site receives.
Google places more emphasis on content quality and the site’s user-friendliness than on the amount of traffic it receives.
A site with a large traffic but with copied content will certainly not be approved. However, having a large traffic, will certainly boost the chances of a site getting approval provided it is complaint with the other requirements discussed above.
However the traffic needs to be genuine or organic. If you participate in programs that send high-volume bot traffic towards your site, you are likely to be banned.
How long to Wait before applying for an Adsense Account?
For a new blog/website, is there a waiting period before you can apply for an Adsense Account?
Well I have heard a lot of talk about the supposedly 6 month’s ownership period required by Google in some countries. While Adsense support forums also state this requirement, I have reasons to believe (based on experience with a few clients) that if you have an otherwise complaint site, Google will not reject your application just because your site is not 6 months old. .
Note that I myself got Adsense approval with a relatively new blog. In fact I got the approval with a blog that was not even 3 weeks old. Therefore you need not wait for 6 months before applying for an Adsense account provided your site complies with the other requirements detailed above.
The only thing you need to worry about is having a site that hosts high quality, original content and provides users with a great experience altogether.
Approval is Needed Only Once:
Once you have got the basics right, you can go ahead and apply for an account knowing pretty well that the same will be approved.
If you have multiple blogs/websites, you should apply for an Adsense Account with the blog/website that best confirms to the guidelines stated above.
Moreover if you already possess an approved account, you need not seek fresh approval for every new blog or website you create. You can simply add Adsense advertisements to any blog/website (owned by you) that confirms to the general Adsense Guidelines and enjoy the earnings that flow your way.
Thanks for your time. Good Luck.
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