• How Are Investors Scammed In the Stock Markets

    How Are Investors Scammed In the Stock Markets

    Retail investors often fall prey to a particular type of scam, involving penny stocks, that is prevalent in the stock markets. The Pump and Dump Scam – as it is popularly called; involves a group of operators fraudulently increasing (pumping up) the price of a stock they hold, by spreading market rumours and then selling…

  • How Does Koo Make Money? Revenue Model of Koo

    Koo App is a micro-blogging platform designed in India. Koo is similar to the popular micro-blogging website ‘Twitter’ in many ways; including the fact that Koo also has a bird logo similar to that of Twitter. Koo, however distinguishes itself from Twitter by offering the platform in regional Indian languages, which makes it easier for…

  • Reviving India’s Informal Economy

    In an earlier post on the Impact of Lockdown on the India’s Informal Economy, we had highlighted how the virus has impacted the livelihood of millions of Indian individuals employed in the unorganised sector. Standing in 2021, with India battling yet another deadly wave of virus infections, the individuals employed in the unorganised sector are…

  • What is Quantitative Easing? How does QE work?

    Quantitative easing (QE) is the term used to define large-scale purchases of government securities by central banks from the open market in an effort to boost the economic cycle and lower the yields on bonds and other debt instruments. The central banks funds this large-scale purchase of government securities by bringing more money into existence.…

  • What is a Financial Bubble

    A financial bubble can be described as a phenomenon wherein an asset or an asset class trades at a value that far exceeds its intrinsic value. We know that unless the market for an asset is regulated, it is the market forces of demand and supply which determines the price at which the asset is…

  • What is a Blockchain? What are Cryptocurrencies?

    What is a Blockchain? What are Cryptocurrencies?

     Cryptocurrencies are de-centralised digital currency token that are freely transferrable within its network of users. Cryptocurrencies in their current form, are regulated not by a central authority like a ‘Reserve bank’; but collectively by the network. The basic idea behind the creation of cryptocurrencies is to bring into existence a payment system that moves away…

  • Your Employees are your most Valuable Source of Feedback.

    If you are a consumer centric business, it is important to put into place a process by which you gain constant feedback about the products or services you offer. Such a feedback loop enables you to gain critical insights – that might help you position your products or services better among your target customers and…

  • What Is Universal Basic Income?

    Universal Basic Income is a welfare scheme under which the Government of a country provides to all its citizens, a minimum income that allows them to meet the basic necessities of life. This is a welfare scheme aimed at alleviating poverty by allowing every citizen of the country a minimum standard of living. Under the…

  • Can Inclusion in an Index Increase the Price of a Stock?

    Can the price of a stock increase just by the virtue of it being included in an Index? The answer is yes! The inclusion of a particular stock in an index can lead to an increase in the price of the stock. But before we explain how this can happen, we need to understand what…

  • How Does Shiprocket Make Money? Shiprocket Revenue Model

    How Does Shiprocket Make Money? Shiprocket Revenue Model

    Shiprocket is a logistics software company that aims to help e-commerce sellers find the right courier service provider for their orders and make managing and tracking shipments easier. Shiprocket has partnered with multiple courier service providers and provides e-commerce sellers with a platform from which they can manage their orders by selecting the right courier…

  • Startup Idea – Driver and Passenger Safety

    Startup Idea – Driver and Passenger Safety

    The Problem: Every year thousands of road side accidents happen on account of drowsy driving on account of fatigue or the driver falling asleep while on the wheels. As per an article published in The Hindu, sleep-deprived drivers remain responsible for as high as 40% of all road accidents in India. The Solution/Opportunity: As a…

  • Agritech Startup Idea: Early Warning Systems Against Pest Attacks

    The Problem: Every year, millions of tons of Agricultural produce is lost to pest attacks. At a time, when we are struggling to increase agricultural produce in order to sustain our ever-growing human population, crop loss to pest attacks is one serious problem that needs our immediate attention. An article published in the Nature Magazine,…